Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Two new favorites: A Marketing Guru and a Jinnia

Today, I heard the world-renowned Marketing Guru Dr. Jagdish Sheth speaking at an event in my workplace. The 70-year old man was too witty, informal, yet informative. Despite of being a person from non-management domain, I could survive the six hours of business talks pretty fairly. Besides the usual work rush, the day had nothing special to offer. The read through Salman Rushdie’s Two Years, Eight Months and Twenty Eight Nights continues and I should say, “It’s interesting.”

The story exposes me to the world of jinnias, the female jinns; their lust, love, vengeance and more. As a child, I was too far from fairytales, but later I compensated it by digging most possible libraries. As I read Rushdie’s book again, I have an urge to read fairytales again. So that added another item to my bucket list. 

However, never mistake me, Rushdie’s story is not a fairytale. It has more serious stuffs to offer. It is a blend of history and myth with tremendous philosophy. Perhaps, I will share with you as I go through. For me, reading Two Years, Eight Months and Twenty Eight Nights is also about understanding the style of the writer Salman Rushdie. For the time being, let me go back to the book. See you soon!

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