Yesterday was a busy day at work. I have to write the content for a coffee table book and I am currently in the race to finish that. After a long time, I worked late in the office until 8 pm (Initially, it used to be daily affair) and rushed to catch a movie at 9.30pm. Repeating my regular style, we reached the theater by 9.40 pm. Oh! By the way, the ‘we’ include, my Mom, myself and a colleague of mine. My Mom found it difficult to walk through the darkness and stumbled down, hitting herself on a sharp corner of the rail. Luckily, no major hazards occurred.

It was a Malayalam movie ‘Darvinte Parinamam’, produced and acted by Prithviraj, the veteran actor. Frankly, we were forced to sit through the 2.5 hours of torture because you paid a hefty amount for the tickets. It has been a while that I watched bad movies. These days, I have turned choosy and read reviews before I choose one. Since this movie was released only yesterday, no reviews were available. So, the choice was taken based on the previous movies of Prithviraj. His movies are usually good. But, this was an exception. Perhaps, they might have tried a new style of story-telling, and to say, ‘IT DIDN’T WORK AT ALL’. Period.
Today is Sunday, but as I said earlier, I have my race to finish. Hence, I am in the office. The late evenings and holidays are the best time to work. It's because nobody is there to disturb you. On those days, you can work at your own pace. There is neither any phones to ring nor any colleagues to interfere your work.
By the way, my workplace has an ambiance of tranquility. With plenty of trees around and the silence ruling the space, this is a perfect place for people to better themselves. Precisely, this is a place for you to begin your second life. Once on track, you need to do to fly higher and far away. There is a danger existing as well. There are people who come here and recover, but they get so used to the place that they settle here forever. It’s like you give comfort to a bird for long that it forgets how to fly.
I forgot to tell you. Today, I bought a red teddy bear. An old man was selling it on the road and its height is almost four feet. I love bears, balls, etc. these days. During my childhood, the toys never excited me. I loved books and crafts then.
So, that was a quick update about my days. For now, let me begin my race to finish the coffee table book. Happy Sunday!